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尽管去做-无压工作的艺术 英语 mp3
  • 评书大小:221 MB
  • 评书来源:网友上传
  • 更新时间:2010-07-03 16:56:48
  • 评书类别:有声小说 / 综合类
  • 评书语言:英语
  • 评书格式:mp3
  • 全部下载共需:172点
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    GTDFast01 - 01 - Your entire life is valuable.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 02 - About David Allen.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 03 - The fundamental thinking process.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 04 - Low tech and high tech gear.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 05 - Staying organized.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 06 - How do you decide what to do.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 07 - A big ah-ha.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 08 - What do you want-.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 09 - Relaxation - the key to productivity.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 10 - Some project examples.mp3
    GTDFast01 - 11 - Getting control of the open loops.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 01 - Dealing with -stuff-.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 02 - The source of your stress.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 03 - The 40,000 and 50,000 foot level.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 04 - The workflow process.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 05 - Collecting.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 06 - Psychic RAM.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 07 - Simplify your life.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 08 - Emptying your head.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 09 - Tree options in dealing with agreements.mp3
    GTDFast02 - 10 - Feeling good about what you're not doing.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 01 - A review of what we've learned.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 02 - The ubiquitous capture tool.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 03 - An in-tray at home.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 04 - The work flow diagram.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 05 - Some project flow examples.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 06 - The major reason projects don't move along.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 07 - Another source of stress.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 08 - Practicing with your mind sweep list.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 09 - Next actions.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 10 - The two minute rule.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 11 - The converse of the two-minute rule.mp3
    GTDFast03 - 12 - A tip that will get you a huge increase in productivity.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 01 - Four major action categories.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 02 - Three things that go on your calendar.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 03 - Hard landscape vs. soft landscape.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 04 - Crafting a vision.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 05 - Checklists.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 06 - Emptying your e-mail.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 07 - The weakest link.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 08 - Organizing support material.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 09 - The greatest single bottleneck to productivity.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 10 - A critical tool for successful filing.mp3
    GTDFast04 - 11 - Keep it simple - the alpha system.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 01 - A brief recap.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 02 - Intensity and stress.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 03 - Staying engaged with the process.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 04 - Another way to clear your mind.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 05 - Someday-Maybe.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 06 - Parking items in a tickler file.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 07 - This is all of nothing.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 08 - Keeping the system alive and well - reviews.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 09 - The best time to do reviews.mp3
    GTDFast05 - 10 - A workspace at home.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 01 - Why do people procrastinate-.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 02 - The yuck factor.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 03 - Making a choice - an example.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 04 - Defining your job.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 05 - Focusing on your project list - an exercise.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 06 - Looking at your project list - an exercise.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 07 - Blendng it all together.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 08 - Back to your project list - an exercise.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 09 - Focusing on your project list - some examples.mp3
    GTDFast06 - 10 - How self-talk effects your focus.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 01 - How your self-worth effects your focus.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 02 - The risk of the visionary.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 03 - Brainstorming and focus.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 04 - The 'oops' factor.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 05 - An exercise in mind-mapping.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 06 - Tools for mind-mapping.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 07 - What drives all projects.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 08 - Purpose and mission.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 09 - Evaluating and organizing.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 10 - Next action, next action.mp3
    GTDFast07 - 11 - It's not the people, it's the process.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 01 - Lining up the vision.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 02 - Why are we doing this-.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 03 - How do you know you've been successful-.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 04 - Guiding principles.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 05 - An exercise.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 06 - Moving your thinking to the next stage - an exercise.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 07 - Getting others involved in your vision.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 08 - Imagination is more important than knowledge.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 09 - More brainstorming techniques.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 10 - More organizing tips.mp3
    GTDFast08 - 11 - The essence of the productive experience.mp3



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